Before I begin, I want to reassure my clients that the following stories are all from many years ago, are not local, and are not details of the treatment itself. These are stories about some rather special conversations and life lessons I’ve learned during the treatments.
For over 4 years in Las Vegas, I worked at a very popular speed waxing salon, and I have done A LOT of Brazilian waxes, of all ages and stages. I worked 10 hour days, 4-5 days a week and was required to do waxes every 15 mins, which sometimes added up to 40 clients a day and 120 a week! AND what I noticed, even though we only had 15 minutes, something truly magical happened in those moments. People became very honest, very real, and started sharing their stories, their secrets. Something about being in a vulnerable position, they felt compelled to divulge their deepest darkest thoughts, almost like a confession. Or maybe it was a method of distraction? As if they told me everything, maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad or be as uncomfortable. Either way, their confessions have now become my ‘Confessions of a Waxer’, These are SOME of their stories! These are not your “funny” or “gross” stories of all the things I have seen. These are real life stories that stopped me in my tracks and made me see the world in a different light or from a different point of view.
A common story I heard was about women whose significant others were cheating on them. They would come in wanting to feel sexy. I say this over and over, sexy is powerful!! They wanted to FEEL their best before they confronted them. The other person wasn’t going to see that they just got a wax, but they were going into “war” and needed to feel empowered. Funny enough waxing can help with that. These stories happened a lot and I became quite good at being a great hype woman, getting them ready for battle. I would see them 6 weeks later and most thanked me for being there but one client threw me for a loop.
Let’s call her Mary. Mary was a 68 year old woman, who was full of life. The very eccentric Mary came to me for her first ever Brazilian wax. She hopped up on the table differently than most of my first time clients did. The beauty of being 68 is you don’t give a shit. She wasn’t scared or shy. I asked her, what I ask all my clients “Any fun exciting plans coming up?”
“Actually yes! I have a date tonight!”
“Oh a date, that's fun. How did you meet him?”
“Well…I met him online…on Ashley Madison.”
For those of you who don’t know Ashley Madison was an online website to cheat on your spouses. The slogan was “Life is Short. Have an Affair.”
I had women who were cheating come to me and tell me about it. This happened quite a lot actually, but never someone 68 and never from Ashley Madison.
“Oh!” I said. “So you're married? Well do you like this new guy”
She went on to tell me how much fun she was having, how he made her feel free. She then went on to explain, her husband had been sick for years, he had Alzheimers. He was recently placed into a home as she could no longer take care of him alone. She visited him everyday. How her heart had been broken for years watching him slowly disappear and that she just wanted to be happy. She also didn’t want to be in a committed relationship with anyone. She was still married and still loved her husband and Ashley Madison was perfect because she knew whoever she met wouldn’t be looking for anything “real.” While we might all have our judgements about how she handled her situations and what we think we would do differently. I have come to realize this was her story, her life and I had no need or want to judge it, all I saw was a strong but half broken woman trying to get through her life the best way she could.
My next story is about 35 year old “Kelly”. Before even booking the appointment she had the receptionist inform me that she had a colostomy bag, and wanted to make sure I was comfortable with waxing her. I was, of course. When she arrived, she was scared, nervous and almost in tears. As I assured her everything was going to be just fine, and we continued on with the wax, she told me her story. One night, 5 years prior, she woke up in extreme stomach pain and went to the ER, thinking it was bad sushi. She was very surprised when they rushed her into surgery and then awoke with the colostomy bag. (She didn't explain her diagnosis and I never asked) For the next 5 years she experienced a deep depression, for her life as she had known it ended. She let herself go and had stopped dating and pushed everyone away. BUT today, today was a major turning point for her. You see months ago, she had finally had enough, decided to try dating, and she was in fact seriously dating someone again. And tonight was going to be her first intimate experience since her surgery. She was petrified to say the least. She had never let anyone see this side of her, she had no idea if he could handle it. She was full on spiraling on my table with all the what ifs. I went into hype girl mood and by the end of the wax, while she was not 100% she was slightly more empowered and did in fact go through with it and he didn’t even blink an eye. She continued to come see me and I witnessed the change that had occurred inside of her. The resilience she possessed was inspiring to say the least.
Before I sign off from this blog. Another common thing that would happen was the level of insecurity women have around their bodies, especially their vaginas. I have lost count of how many women have come to me apologizing that I had to look at their vagina, asking if it looks weird? smells funny? Is this a normal color vagina? The pain in their eyes and shame around their bodies was one, heartbreaking and two, I wanted to tell them all that EVERYONE I saw no matter what they looked like or how confident they seemed, worried the same way they did and I have NEVER seen an ugly, weird, gross vagina and again I've seen 1000s upon 1000s. So please all women reading this YOUR VAGINA IS PERFECT! We have to stop hating our bodies and keeping this insane burden to ourselves! Plus trust me whoever you're sleeping with doesn’t care either!
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