When I decided I wanted to interview a handful of amazing women in Sonoma County, Bernadette was the first person who came to mind. So I warn you this might be a longer blog than most. What Bernadette has been able to create, and her love and passion for it all, is beyond impressive. First and foremost she is a mom, to Beau, and welcoming baby #2 in June. She is also a wife, sister, daughter, friend and owner/dance teacher of The Movement Lab in Santa Rosa. I have known Bernadette for a few years now and whenever I meet ANYONE who also knows her the conversation is always the same. “Omg you know Bernie!?? I LOVE HER!!”
Some background on Bernadette.
The summer after freshman year Bernadette was introduced to dance and fell in love. However, starting dance, as some would say “late,” it was a struggle to get proper training, respect and guidance. She had to fight through mean girls not accepting her and find a way to learn professional dance. It was also expensive. At the time, Santa Rosa Jr College had a thriving dance program and she began taking night classes. She was also a part of her High School Dance company/program, ArtQuest (an arts specialty program) at Santa Rosa High School. It was in this experience that the seed for what is now The Movement Lab was planted. She wanted to create an inclusive dance studio where EVERYONE was accepted. After high school she auditioned and was accepted to the Alvin Ailey Dance School in New York. Unfortunately, a few months later September 11th happened. Her apartment had a view of the twin towers where she watched in horror and disbelief as they came crashing down that day. She was young. She was scared, like we all were, and she wanted to be home. She and her friend took a greyhound. It took 4 days but she made it home.
With her life now back in Northern California, she hit the ground running. She took classes in San Francisco where she met a teacher named Kathleen Hermesdorf. This brilliant and beautiful woman changed her life. After her first class with Kathleen, she realized this is what she is meant to do and where she is meant to be.
At the age of 20 years old, she opened up her first dance studio, Expression Motion, in Middletown. At the same time she was going to school, dancing professionally in San Francisco, teaching at Sonoma State, Mendocino College and local dance studios. Her days would start at 8am and go as late as 10pm, or even 2am, depending on the day, 6 days a week.
In the Summer of 2010 she moved her studio to Santa Rosa where it became Studio Gray. Quickly outgrowing the space, she needed to find a bigger studio space and 2 years later, she created The Movement Lab!
Now let me tell you about The Movement Lab because this is not your everyday dance studio! The Movement Lab teaches people from 5 years old (used to be 3 years old and might go back to this age) to 80 (her oldest student is 76 and takes her hip hop class). She teaches at all levels and all types of dance. This means you could never have danced in your life, be 50 years old, and there will be a welcoming class for you. She also teaches special needs at all levels and spectrums, in wheelchairs and all ages! This alone makes her stand out and shows her love for teaching dance and people. But on top of all this, she produces 2 performances a year, runs a summer dance camp, hosts The North Bay Dance Festival, and puts on black box shows. Black box shows are a simple performance space, where the walls are all black. It creates a more intimate performance experience between performer and audience.
Bernadette loves teaching and helping people find their movement with dance. To her dance is physical therapy, an antidepressant, a form of expression, and creates a sense of community. “You will never regret dancing” she says. She has worked very hard to create a 100% safe space for people to come dance with no judgment. She finds dance makes people like themselves more and she loves watching that unfold with her students.
I walked into The Movement Lab for my first time to sit down and do an interview with Bernadette and was in awe of the place. I was expecting to see a small one room cute dance studio. Instead I walked up the stairs into a full blown 4 dance room dream space for anyone with a love for dance. Pictures of students dancing, performing, and Bernadette teaching covered the walls in the hallways and front room. I was blown away!! Behind the desk sat her mom who helps her run the front. We headed back to her office which was decorated with pictures too. In the corner I saw a rack of costumes from past performances and a pile of what are clearly baby Beau things. He spends lots of time with his mama at the studio. All this made me feel at home. It’s a family based dance studio filled with so much love.
Amelia: What is your favorite thing about being a woman?
Bernadette: Feeling strong as a woman. I can do anything, even have babies. Women are just strong physically and emotionally.
Amelia: What is the best thing you do for your skin?
Bernadette: Monthly Hydrafacials. When I took a break I noticed it. I used to have bad acne as an adult and when I started doing Hydrafacials I saw a change. When I get them monthly I get compliments on my skin all the time.
Amelia: If you could go back in time and give your younger self advice what would you tell her?
Bernadette: Find more moments to be present!!
I highly recommend anyone who loves to dance or has always wanted to learn to check out The Movement Lab. I personally have no rhythm but love to dance. I am so excited to have found this place. Cher and I plan to start soon :)
To learn more about Bernadette and The Movement Lab visit:
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