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Meet Brittney Hoffman & Learn How She is Making Sonoma County A Better Place to Live


Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Brittney Hoffman is a wife, mom, Registered Nurse, and most recently the host of the Sonoma County Mom Walk Collective. Sonoma County Mom Walk Collective brings moms together creating a community of moms supporting moms through motherhood, life, business, and everything in between. I found Brittney and the walking collective through Instagram. Being a mom for my 2nd round (I have a 16 year old and a 1 year old), I found this time around I had less mom friends with babies like me and oh man do moms need each other through this stage, even if it’s just for walks twice a month. I mean let’s be real, we really don’t have the time for much more than that. After attending one of her walks and doing some IG stalking I knew I had to interview her for my Amazing Women of Sonoma County. Thankfully she was open to the idea and met me at Beagle coffee in Larkfield (sidenote, that place is a hidden gem.) Over coffee, with baby Roman in tow, she told me her story and I was even more impressed.

A little background on Brittney and how this all came to be. Brittney has been in healthcare since she was 20 years old and an RN since 2015. But most of all she always wanted to be a mom. The road to motherhood was not the easiest but after IVF she and her husband Robert, welcomed their baby boy, Roman, in July of 2022. Post baby she struggled with postpartum depression and found walking really helped her. Getting fresh air and moving started to lift her spirits. When a friend of hers told her about a moms walking club she went to out of state, Brittney went searching for a local one for her to join, only to find out Sonoma County had nothing. However, she did see that you could become a host and start one in your county. She contemplated if she could and would want to take on this task in her already busy life. Being a new mom herself she really wanted somewhere moms could go and it be a safe space. For the mom with postpartum depression. For the mom that has to cut a conversation short and chase after her kid. For the mom who misses a walk because a nap was missed and for the mom that needs a sound board of other moms reminding her, she is not this terrible mom that at times we all feel we are and that it was all going to be okay.

Taking this task on was not only a lot of work that she does completely for free, but it is also something that is very much out of her comfort zone. She isn’t one for the spotlight and laughs as she tells me “I wasn’t a nice person pre baby… motherhood has softened me.” (This fact is shocking to me because the woman sitting across from me is so sweet I just couldn’t picture it) either way 24 hours later Brittney is zooming with the coordinator and creating what is now Sonoma County Mom Walk Collective. Her first walk was in November of 2022 and was about 12 moms, mostly her friends and coworkers. Her most recent walk in February, 46 women attended, where she barely knew any of them. To her surprise she is loving being the host and creating an amazing tribe of women/moms.

Amelia: What do you love about being a woman?

Brittney: Being a Mom. I love it!! I was born to be a mom. It is the best thing in the world and all I ever wanted. I loved being pregnant, I mean it was hard, but I was so thankful for it I was actually able to enjoy it.

Amelia: What is the best thing you do for your skin?

Brittney: I never wear makeup, I think that helps a lot. I stick to my skincare routine everyday! I get facials whenever I can, I swear by them. And I take Green Gut Glow from Arbonne every morning before I do anything! I can’t live without it!

Amelia: If you could give your younger self advice what would you tell her?

Brittney: Live your life! Travel at a young age and to as many places as you can. It’s all about life experiences. Do what YOU want to do in life!!

Brittney and I talked for over an hour, a lot about life and motherhood and what a crazy ride it all is. I have personally attended 2 of these walks so far and am beyond impressed with what she has created in such a short amount of time. It is groups like this that really make living in Sonoma County so special and women like Brittney who have the heart and drive to make it all happen.

Learn More about Brittney and The Sonoma County Mom Walk Collective on IG

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